Advent Day One

By Pastor Larry Moser
...All Who Heard It Were Amazed…

There’s something mystifying and special about the birth of a baby. It’s something that can never be completely put into words. Try as we might, we can never completely explain the miracle of a new birth. Suppose you were in the position of a sheepherder in Jesus’ day. The Jewish Misnah makes it clear that the shepherds on the hillsides around Bethlehem were, in reality, priests. Their role was to keep the sheep, specifically selected for sacrifice during Passover. These shepherd-priests would be familiar with the prophecies regarding the coming Messiah. They were special men for a special time. For these shepherds, seeing the Babe identified by the angels and remembering the prophecies of such an event was a unique moment. No doubt the shepherds were transformed by their encounter with the One who had been promised. It was something worth telling. Such an encounter could not be contained and they could not stop talking about what they had heard and seen. The mere telling of the story impacted those who heard it. For a people seeking peace and a sense of worthwhileness, this story provided the hope of chaos being resolved and a future brighter than their past. That’s why they were amazed.

The circumstances of the birth of Christ and the revelation of His identity and purpose represent the linchpin and pivotal point of truth. Finally, the truth of the prophecies was being revealed. No longer would the people be tossed back and forth by hearsay and myth. Truth came from first-hand observers. Now, over two thousand years later, we are a generation experiencing half-truths, myths, misinformation, despair, isolation and a lack of trust on many fronts. We need Someone to reveal the truth, to give us something in which we will be amazed; Someone who gives value to our lives; 

Someone to bring peace and hope; to bring us out of the shadows and free us from the isolation of our technology and the mistrust of self-promotion. That

Someone is already here. The transformation He brings is truly amazing. He is God with us. Those who seek Him will find Him. Those who trust in Him will experience real living. God came down from heaven and His Son is here to transform everyone who seeks Him! He is amazing!

Father, thank you for bringing your Son into the world of flesh and blood. By His Presence we can be forgiven and share an amazing new life, a life we never thought possible. Please banish from our minds and hearts the deceit, the half-truths, the cynicism, the loneliness and the chaos of living in this world. Through Your forgiveness, transform our lives and empower us to live in your truth from this day forward. In Christ’s name, Amen.