Our world is weary. The chaos, brokenness, and division that is played on repeat throughout the world in which we live have caused our souls to be weary, with a deep longing for peace and hope. This Advent season we anticipate the coming of the ONE who offers the relief we so desperately long for, and because of this, a weary world rejoices. Rejoices because there is hope. Rejoices because there is peace. Rejoices because there is ONE who makes all things new.


A Season of Hope

A daily devotional through the season of advent written by pastors in the Salt Lake City Area

To view the devotionals, click on the images or click here to download the booklet

The Hope Candle

May we hold fast to hope’s patient possibilities. May we lift them high that they might catch the light of our dreams and shine bright in our broken world. And may we instill hope’s challenge in the hearts of our children that they, too, will live it into meaning— pouring their lives, as we do ours, into making it real— for themselves, for each other, for the world.

Advent Day One

November 27 by Pastor Larry Moser

Advent Day Two

November 28 by Pastor Jeremy Johnston

Advent Day Three

November 29 by Pastor Lynnlee Moser

Advent Day Four

November 30 by Pastor Alexander Jaimes

Advent Day Five

December 1 by Pastor Jason Waldrep

Advent Day Six

December 2 by Pastor Scott Shaw

Advent Day Seven

December 3 by Pastor Perry Schmitt

The Peace Candle

As this season of “sparkle and bright” unfolds around us, the silent prayers of peace lie like stars hidden in a clouded night. May we inspire the world with peace. May we touch it to our lives that in every place of stress, frustration, or fear, we might feel the presence of peace easing our hearts and transforming our lives.

Advent Day Eight

December 4 by Pastor Brent Deakins

Advent Day Nine

December 5 by Pastor Debi Schmelzenbach

Advent Day Ten

December 6 by Pastor Jason Waldrep

Advent Day Eleven

December 7 by Pastor Lynnlee Moser

Advent Day Twelve

December 8 by Pastor Scott Shaw

Advent Day Thirteen

December 9 by Pastor Perry Schmitt

The Joy Candle

May we create joy in all our surroundings as we share gifts, meals, and simple pleasures with family and friends. May the easy gift of a smile bring the power of joy’s touch to those we meet through these busy days.

Advent Day Fourteen

December 10 by Pastor Jeremy Johnston

Advent Day Fifteen

December 11 by Pastor Larry Moser

Advent Day Sixteen

December 12 by Pastor Brent Deakins

Advent Day Seventeen

December 13 by Pastor Alexander Jaimes

Advent Day Eighteen

December 14 by Pastor Jeremy Johnston

Advent Day Nineteen

December 15 by Pastor Larry Moser

Advent Day Twenty

December 16 by Pastor Perry Schmitt

Advent Day Twenty-One

December 17 by Pastor Larry Moser

The Love Candle

May love flow from our hearts with abundance filling every moment with the season’s gifts of hope and peace and joy. May it be shared truly and deeply that all who encounter it be charged with its message and become, themselves, the agents of love.

Advent Day Twenty-Two

December 18 by Pastor Debi Schmelzenbach

Advent Day Twenty-Three

December 19 by Pastor Jason Waldrep

Advent Day Twenty-Four

December 20 by Pastor Brent Deakins

Advent Day Twenty-Five

December 21 by Pastor Chris Moser

Advent Day Twenty-Six

December 22 by Pastor Larry Moser

Advent Day Twenty-Seven

December 23 by Pastor Chris Moser

Advent Day Twenty-Eight

December 24 by Pastor Lynnlee Moser

The Christ Candle

We thank God that the wait for our salvation is over. Our Savior Jesus Christ has come. He came in the birth of a small baby boy, was conceived in the virgin Mary, born in a manger, died on a cross, rose from the dead, and ascended to God’s throne in heaven. At Christmas we celebrate our Savior’s first arrival and look forward to his second. Jesus will come soon and finally put all things right, but for now we wait. This time we wait not in the darkness of our sin, but in the light of Christ’s salvation, full of hope as we wait for our Savior’s return.