Advent Day Twenty-Four

By Pastor Brent Deakins

John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

In days like these that we are currently living in, it is easy to feel overcome, overwhelmed, overmatched, overburdened, and finally feel like, “I just want all of this to be over!” All these feelings and emotions come in waves based on the constant barrage of information, negative news, negative results, negative word, and negative mindsets.

But Christmas is a time to remember that Jesus was born as one who overcomes all the above feelings and negativity that we are inundated with.  Jesus came to bring a “peace that passes all understanding. He came to bring a peace that “guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”  (Phil. 4:6). Christmas is a time to remember not only the miracle birth of Jesus, but the miracle life of Jesus, the miracle death of Jesus and the miracle resurrection of Jesus.  Every component of Jesus’ life is a miracle of peace that is given to us.

Jesus speaks all these things to us SO THAT we might have peace. We know and have all experienced trouble and trials, but we have also experienced the joy and peace of Jesus. What would it look like for you today to be a person of peace to the world around you? Who in your day could you give Jesus’ peace away to as an ambassador of Him? The reason Jesus speaks these things to us to give us peace is that we might speak peace into our world and give it peace.  Try it today and see how it fits on you. You are a peacemaker. And the peace that Jesus offers will overcome the world.