Advent Day Ten

By Pastor Jason Waldrep
With Him, Not For Him

Matthew 11:29

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

No matter how well-intended we may be to reflect on Jesus and His coming during this Advent season, the workload and commitments of the season are heavy. Often, the burden of this season can be so heavy, by the time Christmas comes, we are ready for it to be over. Yet, this Jesus who we celebrate in this season promises that if we take His yoke upon us and learn from Him, we will find rest. 

Interesting that the imagery of being yoked is one of work and mission. Oxen are yoked together for the purpose of getting a job done. Being yoked is a literal burden placed around one’s neck, but Jesus invites us to be yoked to Him, to stay close to Him. Like the oxen yoked side-by-side, Jesus invites us to come along side Him on this heavy journey to learn from Him. He’s not the farmer prodding and provoking us to get the job done from the front or from behind, He is humble and gentle enough to come along side of us, to bear the burdens with us, to teach and show us how to carry the burden of work and commitments well. In this coming alongside, allowing Him to do the work with us, Jesus promises us we will find rest.

With Christ, finding rest is not a matter of escapism. Jesus didn’t come to take all of our burdens away. He Himself modeled to us what this life was going to be about, and it was hard work. Living in humility, vulnerability, service, and love of others is what we are called to do, but we cannot do it without Christ. We will burn out living this Christian life on our own. However, rest is promised for our journey when we do it with Him, when we stay in close proximity of Him, allowing Jesus to teach and guide us along the way. 

Praise be to the humble and gentle One who is willing to come along side us, to teach us, and to bear our burdens with us. May we be quicker to partner with Christ and take His yoke upon us in this busy season, that we may all experience the promise of rest our souls so desperately need.