Advent Day Twenty-Six

By Pastor Larry Moser
Soaring to New Heights

Isaiah 40:31

“but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

On a recent trip to Yellowstone National Park, I witnessed an interesting reaction from the people aboard our tour bus. We were cruising along, admiring the beautiful trees and the clear, bustling river racing along the roadway. The beauty of the scene had a way of lulling us into a sense of sameness, to the point of boredom. And then, it happened. Suddenly, the entire tour group was animated and excited. High on the naked branch of a tree beside the river was the stately form of a bald eagle.

The crowd called for the driver to stop the bus. Most everyone rushed to the windows and the doors, cell phones in hand, excitedly talking among themselves as they tried to get just the right angle to take a photo of this majestic bird in full plumage.

There is just something about seeing an eagle or even hawk or kestrel sitting on a branch, searching for its next meal that captures the attention. Even more attention-getting is the sight of such a bird soaring through the air or diving to catch a scurrying rodent. In a certain sense such a scene represents a portrait of freedom. Would that we could experience the joy of soaring with the eagles. That seeking the experience of joy amid the chaos and weariness of life is what makes the birth of Christ so special.

The people in the century before Christ birth bore an endless heavy load. Many were without jobs. Others lived in squalid conditions. All were under the burden of heavy Roman taxation and Jewish legalism. Most saw no end in sight and no future to seek. 

However, there was a small minority who remembered that God promised more than the same old same old. The anticipation of a coming Messiah was grounds for joy in their hearts. They remembered the words of the Prophets, emphasizing that no matter what their present situation, they were not forgotten. In the middle of the mess, God was still there, and he had something special planned for those who would seek Him. They sensed a new freedom and joy in the knowledge that God would be with them as He had always been, yet, in a unique way. God with feet was coming! Emmanuel was coming!

As beaten and downtrodden as they were, the God-followers sensed the fulfillment of all God had promised them. The Prophets reminded them that “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” (Is 40:29) “...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” (Is 40: 31a).

The response to hope is that of joy. There was the realization that there would be a freedom within the hearts of those who follow God, even if circumstances seem otherwise. The Messiah would come! Rejoicing was possible among those who trusted in God.

And so, it is with us, today. No matter the chaos or the confusion created by those with hidden agendas, there is more to living that all that. Circumstances do not have to control how we live our lives, how we view ourselves or who we can become. There is One who came to earth who is greater than all that. There is One who desires to give us value; One whose unfathomable love can transform our attitudes, motives, perceptions, our whole view of life and living. Emmanuel has come! 

Give way to the anticipation in knowing He can come into our lives and bring a sense of peace and joy, no matter what. Freedom comes in the joy of meeting Christ Jesus, God with us! He is here, today, transforming those who, as the wise men, seek diligently for Him. Emmanuel has come. Celebrate His coming!